pHformula Resurfacing Facial Review

I feel September in Dubai is such a reset month for me (more so than January) to get things back on track and back at their best. This includes my skin which took a nosedive from the summer and then getting back into the a/c, the intense heat and the humidity of the desert.
So when pHformula invited me along to get to know the brand a bit more – I was there faster than you can say…’are my pores open?’.
The brand which originates in Barcelona in Spain is a dermatological skin resurfacing system which specifically targets ageing, hyperpigmentation, redness and acne-prone skin (like mine). Now here’s the science bit – their key ingredients are applied to the skin combined with acids and a unique delivery vehicle complex – PH-DVC, to deliver controlled and safe treatments. This release of protons results in accelerated cell turnover and optimum skin regeneration with ZERO downtime.
For my skin, Milly – who is a skin expert and brand trainer for pHformula, carried out a mild resurfacing treatment with a combination of acids which focused on minimising the appearance of my pores, improve the skin tone and promote skin firmness and elasticity. The layer and leave pHformula system with a different range of strengths allows the treatment to be exceptionally versatile and bespoke.
Take a look at what some of the treatment entailed here on my Instagram account. What I particularly loved though was the neck complex. I feel like my neck has aged so much in the last year or two. The skin is starting to have like a crepe paper appearance which is making me feel very self-conscious so if I get even a whisper of a product that’s effective in improving the skin in that area – I am all over it! The pHformula Neck Complex is specifically formulated for skin resurfacing of the neck and décolletage area by assisting superficial exfoliation and cell renewal – contributing to the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.
I have to say, it was one of the best facials in terms of relaxation AND the fact that you know the products are designed for results. Milly is a field of information and is so passionate when it comes to individual skin journeys and the brand itself. I love the science behind the products and the brand and love how effective they are without the stringent after-effects from acids. You can see below a photo of my skin a couple of days afterwards. My skin is literally still glowing, it looks so even and has more of an energised and brighter tone.
For anyone looking to have a pHformula facial in Dubai – the products can be found in numerous clinics in the Emirate including Hortman Clinics, Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery, Lueur Aesthetic Clinic, Healthbay, SOTA Salon, Hollie Atkin (Hollie Skin), Julie Lemke and The Facial Lady,